Alonso, Antonio

Alonso, Antonio

Antonio Alonso email Antonio Alonso  •  visit Antonio Alonso’s website Antonio Alonso Artist Statement  I aim at an art that is directly plugged into our current life and surroundings. I hold a high value for that which others view as value less. The stories...
Thompson, Adam

Thompson, Adam

Adam Thompson email Adam Thompson   •   visit Adam Thompson’s website I began this project with the stadium chair from the incredible Miami Marine Stadium in Historic Virginia Key Beach Park with the intention of disassembling it and laying out the pieces ini an...
Dr. Michael Krop H.S.

Dr. Michael Krop H.S.

Genesis Lopez and Elizabeth Piliceri  Genesis and Elizabeth are students at Dr. Michael Kropf Senior High School...
Hancock, Douglas

Hancock, Douglas

Douglas Hancock Email Douglas Hancock  •  Visit Douglas Hancock’s website Douglas Hancock Artist Statement  This is an interactive interpretive piece which invites the audience to step in, sit down and experience what I find great about the Miami Marine...