G Holmes Braddock High School
Amanda Garcia
Anyela de la Traviesas
Pre-Construction 1961
The 1961 panel is supposed to represent the area before construction began: a simple, empty beach. Since there are no images online as to what it looked like before construction, we used our own interpretation based on what beaches in the Virginia Key area look like. We painted mangrove trees that are native to our South Florida beaches and mimicked a font for the year that was popularly used at the time.
Andrea Quino
Gabriela Fajardo
Alexandra Espinosa
Opening Night 1963
The second piece of the chair represents the opening night of the Miami Marine Stadium. We made sure to include the stadium itself as it overlooks the ocean. The bright red ribbons signify the opening of the stadium, so that it is available to the public and whatever events they wish to host. We include the year 1963 in white letters over the red ribbon, so that the year pops out to viewers and the can see how important this point in time is because this is the year the stadium was finally in use. We used bright colors to catch the eye of viewers and to showcase the beauty the stadium had in its earlier years. Not only is the stadium our focal point in the piece but we took time to show the scenery surrounding it and how Miami was able to show its full potential.
Briana Acosta
Melanie Nunez
1968 Teacher’s Strike
This art piece was inspired by the Teacher Strike that happened in 1968 at the Miami Marine Stadium. Dozens of public school teachers filled the Marine Stadium, the year Florida was home to the first statewide teacher walkout in history. Republican Claude Kirk promised better schools and no new taxes but when lawmakers appropriated $150 million more for schools, Kirk vetoed the funding. Due to this action teachers were ready to strike. Our painting is based on the colors most popular during the 1960’s, it has a mixture of home décor and psychedelic colors. Inside the numbers, the drawings represent the people at the strike, they are holding posters and protesting Republican Gov. Claude Kirk.
Andrea Quino
Gabriela Fajardo
Alejandra Espinosa
The Boat Races 1963 – ‘92
This is the fourth piece of the timeline. This holds importance because it points out the years from 1963 to 1992 in which all the events took place. The boat races were one of the first events to be held in the earlier times of the stadiums opening. We made sure to highlight the significance of the boat races in our piece by painting a racing boat behind the years 1963—’92. This of course is not the only set of events that were held in the times the stadium was active. The boards that come after our piece go into more detail and representation of what occurred between the years of 1963—’92.
Nicole Machado
Richard Nixon and Sammy Davis Jr. 1972
My board is about Richard Nixon’s visit to the marine stadium in 1972. He was there for the Young Voter’s Ralley. It was the site where Sammy Davis Jr. showed his support for the president by hugging him, although Sammy was a member of the other political party.
1979 Miami Rowing Club
Teachers: Zoraida Haibi Figuera
Wendy Gonzalez
As artists we wanted to create a piece of art that would bring back all the good memories and the greatness behind the Miami Marine Stadium. In the process we discovered so many great things that happened through the years that we felt we needed to honor the history of this incredible place by creating a timeline of such events. Every aspect of this piece has a sentiment attached to it from the unfortunate event of Hurricane Andrew to the Glorious days of the Miami Rowing Club. Being part of this project has been an amazing enrichment experience and we would like to create awareness about the importance of preserving not only the building but also the heritage that is contained in its walls. We hope that by creating this piece other people get to appreciate the value of this building as much as we do and that the chair project inspires others to appreciate the value of preserving such historical place.
Kayla Mendez
1985 Jimmy Buffett Concert
My piece was based around Jimmy Buffett and his concert in 1985. He was on the “Sleepless Knights Tour” and performed at the Miami Marine Stadium. He was largely known for Margaritaville and his followers, the “P arrotheads”, so that was my approach in adding the parrot, palm trees, and iconic margaritas. The 80s was also iconic for its Miami Vice neon blue and pinks, combined with the classic Miami Vice font.
Ailene Cespedes
Valentina Cespedes
1992 Hurricane Andrew
When doing the chair for the Miami Marine Reconstruction Project we decided to repaint the last slab of the seat. On this slab, we would be doing the second to the last event on our timeline. We would be painting the tragic event that happened in 1992, Hurricane Andrew. Hurricane Andrew was a major cause of the shutting down of the stadium. Seeing how this tragic event had a huge effect on the stadiums condition is truly one of the most important events on this timeline. This is what drove us, to want to paint and reconstruct our slab.
Kasandra Castellon
2018 Current View of Stadium (Fish Eye Lenses)
My part of the piece for the Miami Marine Stadium seat focuses on the arena today. The perspective in the painting allows the audience to feel as if they are in the stadium themselves; looking out towards the clear blue sky and activity on the water. I tried to capture the beauty of the arena.
Nicole Machado
2018 Graffiti piece
My portion of the back piece is about what the stadium looks like in its current state, covered in graffiti that is. It shows the tags of visitors leaving their personal mark on the stadium. It’s a beautiful compilation of works done by random people from the community.